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Calgary Networking Tips: How to Network Like a Pro

Despite the prevalence of social media, networking still plays an important role in the modern business world. Face-to-face networking is one of the most efficient ways to connect with potential customers and establish a long-term relationship. It is a powerful tool that can help convert leads and increase sales. Although networking can be done with relative ease, many people find it difficult to do right. But that won’t be the case for long, this article is exactly what you need to network like a pro. Enhance your networking skill by following these Calgary networking tips.
Create a Plan:
Before going to a networking event, make sure you have a plan. All business endeavours require a plan and networking is no different! Planning will help you map out the process, actionable steps and the intended outcome of the event. As you create your plan, determine what you want to achieve. Is your goal to meet industry leads, strengthen existing relationships or build a community? Answering these questions is the first step to achieving your goals.
Be Prepared with Business Cards:
Even though business cards can seem old fashioned in the digital age, they have their benefits. They are accessible, simple to use, adds legitimacy to your business and remain one of the greatest tools for forging a business relationship. So, if you are stepping out to meet potential leads, come prepared with business cards. Carry a substantial number with you, after all, there’s nothing worse than running out mid-event. Find a secure place store your personal cards and cards that you receive while networking. Use one pocket for incoming cards and keep one pocket free for your cards, this will help you stay organized throughout the networking event.
Remember Names:
We cannot stress enough the importance of remembering names! This Calgary networking tip must not be understated. People’s perception of you will soar when they see that you are attentive and interested. In addition, people feel important when you remember their names or other personal facts. This opens an avenue to forge a relationship that may profit your business. Start making a habit of remembering the names of new connections. So, take down people’s names and write key points about them, the repetition will help you remember key facts.
Focus on Listening:
It is very easy to get carried away and spend most of the time talking. This is not good for building relationships. Being a good conversationalist requires that you listen well when others speak. In addition, you have to give others room to talk after seeking their advice. All the same, make sure that you are listening as it presents you the opportunity to learn more about the person talking to you!
Leverage LinkedIn:
Social media gets you connected to some important persons that you will hardly get access to. By using your LinkedIn profile, you can search out key contacts and like-minded persons that will help you realize your goals. This is not limited to the use of LinkedIn; other social edit platforms are great ways to meet important persons without the burden of a one-on-one meeting. To get their attention, comment on their post or respond to their made comments. A discussion may startup from there. Regardless of how the discussion turns out, make it your aim to offer them value through the entire conversation.
Don’t Forget to Follow Up:
This Calgary networking tip will help you build the rapport with your new contact. To connect meaningfully with the person, make sure you follow up within a few days of meeting the person. Seek out ways to ensure that the discussion continues. Highlight ways that your relationship can benefit both parties and keep things moving. Make it part of your routine to maintain contact with your network at least two or three times each year.

An established network will not only build us on a personal level but also enhances our professional outlook. When networking is done right, every member of the relationship benefits. The exchange of resources, knowledge and ideas will drive your business to the next level. And these Calgary networking tips will help get you there.

What are your top Calgary networking tips?