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7 Ways to Improve Your SEO Ranking

Your Calgary SEO ranking is important because it ensures that your webpage remains visible to online search engines. It is essential to pay importance to your SEO ranking because it allows customers to find you. Aimed at visibility growth, Calgary SEO rankings describe the exact position of your page on a search engine. This in effect increases your online traffic which will, in turn, lead to more visibility and business. Having a good rank on a search engine requires some vital techniques. If you’re new to Calgary SEO or making little progress, fret not! This article is for you, it discusses 7 ways in which you can improve your ranking!
Many web pages don’t rank high as a result of poor content production. This includes irregular updates and less engaging content. A great way to improve your site’s ranking is publishing high-quality content that attracts your visitors and keeps them coming back for more. This involves regularly updating your website with recent and quality contents. The number one ranking driver remains quality contents.

Dwell time is another factor related to content production that remains invaluable to Calgary SEO rankings. As the term implies, this is the time spent by visitors for every visit. It is highly affected by the level of engagement your web page has. So, if your webpage isn’t informative, recent, interesting or appealing, you should not expect the dwell time to belong. Websites with longer dwell times have been found to have more engaging contents.
Some find it curious as to how a site’s page loading speed affects its ranking. Here’s why your loading speed matters:

When a webpage fails to load on time, a user may be forced to look elsewhere which increases your bounce rate and reducing your dwell time as well. The number of your web pages viewed is reduced eventually, which dents your chances of higher ranking. Bing and Google are two search engines that take into consideration the loading speed of a website, more reasons why this shouldn’t be neglected.

Image optimization, streamlining and ensuring a clean code, using caching plugins and minimizing redirects and your site’s plugins are great approaches that will speed up loading your webpage.
Optimizing the size of images ensures a faster loading speed. According to several studies, conversion rates increase when images are used.  Improve visitors experiences, garnering trust and sympathy by incorporating quality images. Formatting the image file and resizing is a great optimization technique, another technique you can chip in is associating your image file’s name to an SEO keyword.
Headings enhances a user’s experience which plays a huge role in improving the ranking of your webpage. Apart from making a page look more appealing, they segment contents and aid easy consumption via reading or skimming. The absence of headings in a page’s content gives a clumsy and disorganized look which can deter visitors from engaging. Alternatively, the presence of headings improves order and increases the dwell time on your site.

Incorporating relevant keywords into your headers can be highly rewarding as most search engines rate such keywords highly.
The relevance of your content matters a lot when it comes to Calgary SEO rankings. This involves giving broader information about your content and backing them up with authoritative and trustworthy sources. Outbound links just that. These are links that refer to other web pages from yours. It is best to cite sources with more recent information and avoid citing spammy sites as that can give your visitors a bad impression of your website.

Many web users often encounter a ‘404 error’ around the web which is a result of a broken link. A broken link is produced when you delete a linked page or even making an error while changing/updating a URL. Search engines rank sites by crawling through them and when such errors are encountered, the search engine spiders can’t crawl through and index it which is bad for SEO. Also, when users encounter dead links, they avoid such sites. So, you must pay attention to the links on your site and act fast when they are not in order.
Your contact information should never be neglected because it can alter the credibility of your site’s content. Inadequate contact information, a lack of it or an obscure detail doesn’t build trust with your visitors which is bad for your ranking. So, ensure details such as your name, email, phone numbers and address (where applicable) are visible, then you have no worries.
A lot of Internet users today surf the web with their mobile devices on the go. This trend is fast rising and will keep on doing so because of its ease in our fast-paced world. If your webpage isn’t mobile friendly, it will be a challenge to keep in touch with mobile users which reduces your number of visits and inevitably, your ranking.

When you pay attention to these factors, you can rest assured that your web site’s ranking will be higher. Need help optimizing your website and its content? We can help. Click here to learn more.