Why Do You Need a Graphic Design Agency to Set Up Your Business in Calgary?

Today’s marketing is all about intriguing catchphrases, interesting designs, and flashy content; and businesses in Calgary, like businesses anywhere else in the world, are catching up to the trend. So […]

Effective Ways of Marketing Calgary Businesses Online

Businesses around the world spend resources on marketing purposes and marketing Calgary businesses or products are no different. It is important to come up with effective marketing strategies that will […]

Personalized News Feeds – Are You Missing Out?

When a Facebook conference starts with Mark Zuckerberg stating, “We think there’s a really important place for a personalized news feeds,” you immediately know that things will never be the same. Even […]

How to improve your page ranking for a specific SEO keyword

Keywords are the new Holy Grail of marketing and SEO. If you can dominate the right ones for your industry then you have a magic formula for ongoing inbound marketing […]

Greenwashing – It Started With Your Hotel Towels

Marketers will do anything to get you to buy. They will wrap it in sexy, make it funny, choose all the right colours and even bring it to your door in the […]

The New breed of online troll – the Troglodyte

If you have any contact with social media where anyone is given a ‘voice’ you will be familiar with the phenomenon of trolls. Trolls are members of any online community that allows […]

Functions of a Digital Marketing Agency

Marketers have had to adjust their roles and functions to suit these new changes. The functions of a modern digital marketing agency now focuses more on advertising, marketing and campaigns […]

Marketing Calgary; what does it entail?

Businesses are growing with every innovative idea that is realized and the critical tool defining their existence stands as their strategies of marketing Calgary. With this aspect, the operating niches […]

When did Marketing Start to Condone Profanity?

My co-worker hit on another problem with using profanity – it no longer has the effect it used to. It was seen as cool, rebellious and edgy when you were […]

The Perils of Ego-centric Social Media Platforms

How many social media platforms can you name? Which was the first one you named? If current data is to be believed, it should be Facebook. Look at this: Every 60 […]