How to be a Killer Guest Blogger

How to be a Killer Guest Blogger Guest bloggers and writers are a common phenomenon. It’s a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your industry, network but […]

Key Things you Should be Discussing with your Web Designer

It is usually easy to get a web designer, but the real challenge comes when you are already in the process of planning and creating the website. Based on experience, […]

The Secret Relationship Between SEO and Social Media

The Secret Relationship Between SEO and Social Media   Humour me for a moment – Google ‘ESPN’. What are your first five rankings? The chances are, they are their web […]

5 Graphs that Show LinkedIn as the Sleeping Giant of Marketing

5 Graphs that Show LinkedIn as the Sleeping Giant of Marketing   New Social Media platforms seem to be popping up with every click of a webpage as hyper-niching is […]

Instagram as a Marketing Tool

Social media platforms tend to get stereotyped. Facebook is for spotty faced, game obsessed, duck faced teenagers. Twitter is for intellectual news lovers (pseudo or otherwise). YouTube is the new […]

Turn Your Website into a Massive Lead Generating Machine

Turn Your Website into a Massive Lead Generating Machine How is your website doing? No, honestly, how is your website doing? Your website is your biggest marketing and sales tool, period. It […]

The ROI on SEO

The ROI on SEO   The use of search engine optimized writing (SEO) has been the mainstay of all internet offerings for a long time. The cold hard fact is […]

Choosing the Right Design Agency in a Tough Economy

Choosing the Right Design Agency in a Tough Economy   With crippling oil prices and some of the most expensive overhead costs in the country, Calgary is facing a tough […]

Corporate Image and Branding

When I was in University corporate image was THE buzz word for marketing. Everything lead back to corporate image – marketing established corporate image, focus groups provided feedback on corporate […]

#UnitedBreaksGuitars – A Case Study

#UnitedBreaksGuitars – A Case Study One thing that Carroll was not in control of was the subject matter. The fact that being treated in such a frustrating way by customer […]