Calgary Web Design: A Landing Page That Will Land You Leads Is Your Landing Page Landing You Leads?

Does your landing page convert visitors into leads successfully? Your landing page is your first impression! It should urge your users farther down the sales funnel rather than turning them […]

Calgary Social Media Marketing: What To Include In Your Instagram Bio

Your social media bio is one of your first points of contact with potential followers or even customers. It is your chance to create an impressive first impression. Just like […]

Everything You Need To Know About Podcast Marketing

A podcast an episodic series of audio or video files uploaded on the internet which a user can listen to or download. With millions of people listening to podcasts all […]

Calgary Marketing: Fitness Studio

Gym membership has increased by 25 million in the years 2000 till 2016 and if trends continue those numbers will continue to grow. The fitness industry is booming in all […]

Calgary Marketing: Marketing Your Cafe

When you open the doors to your new Calgary business, you probably expect customers to keep pouring in, profits doubling every month and generating a whole lot of excitement. Once […]

Influencer Marketing: The Original Social Influencer, Oprah

Influencer marketing is a standard way that brands connect with new customers. In this era of social media, there are millions of influencers. An influencer is someone with the ability […]

Calgary Marketing: Why You Need an App for Your Brand

To stay competitive in the Calgary market brands are constantly trying to up their game and create features that make them stand out. One of the ways to do that […]

Calgary Marketing: Canada Day Marketing Ideas

On the first of July 1867, Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick came together to become one country. Since that day, Canadians have celebrated Canada day. The 100th anniversary of […]

Calgary Marketing: How to Market to Moms

Mothers are an important demographic that many Calgary businesses are trying to tap into. Calgary is full of young moms that are looking for products and services to invest their […]

Social Media Management: Beginners Photography Tips

Social media managers wear many hats these days. Being in social media management means you become a copywriter, editor, an SEO expert and a photographer. If you’re in the world […]