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Marketing Implementation

The Unseen Force Driving B2B Marketing Success

January 22, 2024

The Silent Partner: 5 Ways Strategic Communication Supercharges Marketing Imagine a serene duck gliding gracefully on the surface of a tranquil pond. Above the surface, the duck appears effortless, smooth, […]

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Strategic Communications

Applying “The Medium is the Message” Theory to Marketing Today

September 13, 2023

In Part 1 – Is the Medium Still the Message? , we learned about Marshall McLuhan’s theory on mass media – that the medium through which we deliver messages has […]

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Strategic Communications

Is the Medium Still the Message?

September 12, 2023

If you’re a Canadian of a certain age or have studied communications theory, it’s a fair bet that you’ve heard of Marshall McLuhan

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Content Strategy

Strategic Solutions for B2B Success: How to Conduct a Website Content Audit in 5 Easy Steps

July 12, 2024

Remember, assessing content is just one side of the coin when analyzing website performance and quality. On the other side are visual and design criteria, which include everything from site […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Unseen Force Driving B2B Marketing Success

January 22, 2024

The Silent Partner: 5 Ways Strategic Communication Supercharges Marketing Imagine a serene duck gliding gracefully on the surface of a tranquil pond. Above the surface, the duck appears effortless, smooth, […]

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Strategic Communications

Applying “The Medium is the Message” Theory to Marketing Today

September 13, 2023

In Part 1 – Is the Medium Still the Message? , we learned about Marshall McLuhan’s theory on mass media – that the medium through which we deliver messages has […]

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Strategic Communications

Is the Medium Still the Message?

September 12, 2023

If you’re a Canadian of a certain age or have studied communications theory, it’s a fair bet that you’ve heard of Marshall McLuhan

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Content Strategy

Does Your Business Need to be On Every App?

September 10, 2023

The digital age can feel overwhelming – especially if you’re playing a game of catchup when it comes to social media, e-commerce, and your business.

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary SEO Services: How Mobile-First Indexing Will Affect Your Website

March 11, 2020

In 2018, Google began moving all websites over to mobile-first indexing. Since then 70% of websites have made the shift and Google recently announced that the remaining 30% will be […]

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Brand Strategy

Calgary Branding: How to Increase Brand Recognition & Brand Inertia

February 26, 2020

If you’re a business owner you’ve probably heard about the importance of Calgary branding time and time again. You’ve been told you need to create a brand to set yourself […]

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Marketing Agencies

Why You Shouldn’t Fear a Career Change

February 5, 2020

2020 is the decade of change, new firsts, expanding horizons and believing that all things are possible! Because, where there’s a will there’s a way. Becoming a mature student and stepping […]

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Case Study

Sonos Just Made a Major Brand Mistake

January 23, 2020

Tuesday of this week (January 21st, 2020) Sonos – a high-end, respected and desirable networked home speaker company – announced an end to the support for what they are calling […]

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Creative & Content

The Marketing Genius Behind Baby Yoda

December 17, 2019

The much-anticipated streaming service, Disney+ launched November 12th, 2019, along with its Star Wars original series The Mandalorian. The series was an instant hit, with more than 40 million streams […]

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Marketing Agencies

Esports Marketing: The Beginners Guide

November 25, 2019

Marketing with professional sports teams is nothing new. Brands have been spending advertising dollars on multi-million-dollar Superbowl ads and extravagant athlete sponsorships for decades. And, in recent years, there has […]

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Marketing Agencies

5 Reasons We Love Small Calgary Businesses

November 18, 2019
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Creative & Content

The Best Titles for Your Calgary Blog Posts

November 11, 2019

You can spend hours creating thoughtful, well-researched Calgary blog posts, but without a good title, who will read it? The title of your blog post is the first interaction readers […]

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Content Strategy

6 Digital Marketing Rules to Live By

August 22, 2019

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving market, and keeping up with changes can be a daunting task for any business owner. In the wake of the digital marketing revolution, many […]

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Strategic Communications

Calgary Networking Tips: How to Network Like a Pro

August 19, 2019

Despite the prevalence of social media, networking still plays an important role in the modern business world. Face-to-face networking is one of the most efficient ways to connect with potential […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Digital Marketing: How to Market to Gen Z

August 18, 2019

Generation Z consists of members of the population born after 1995. This new generation is tech-savvy and will always challenge the conventional methods of doing things. Gen Z is viewed […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Times Rebranding Saved International Brands

August 12, 2019

As you can see, rebranding is a powerful marketing strategy and has the power to save international brands. Rebranding is more than just a cosmetic change, it’s about reimagining your […]

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Content Strategy

The Best Avengers Inspired Marketing Campaigns

August 8, 2019

The Avengers and, more broadly, the Marvel universe has dominated the box office over the last decade. 2019 marked an end of an era as Marvel released the final movie […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Rebranding Fails from Brands We Love

August 1, 2019

When done right, rebranding gives you an edge over your stagnant competition. It can successfully uplift your business and transform it for the better. However, this is easier said than […]

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Content Strategy

Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Marketing

July 18, 2019

Regardless of how advanced or logical we become as human beings, the fact still remains that we rely heavily on our emotions to make decisions. In fact, psychologists have revealed […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Calgary Stampede Marketing Strategy

July 11, 2019

The Calgary Stampede, dubbed “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” is one of the world’s largest rodeos and attracts over one million visitors. The Calgary Stampede is a 10-day Western/new-Western […]

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Brand Strategy

7 Ways to Modernize Your Brand

July 8, 2019

Technological advances over the last decade have drastically changed all aspects of our life, from how we shop, to how we conduct business. In spite of radical change, many brands […]

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Content Strategy

How to Eat For Free During the 2019 Calgary Stampede

July 3, 2019

One of the best things about The Calgary Stampede is the food and the pancake breakfasts that happen during the 10-day event. Coming together as a community and sharing a meal […]

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Creative & Content

The 10 Most Instagrammable Spots in Calgary

June 20, 2019

Calgary is a beautiful city. It is famous for its closeness to beautiful peaks, sunny days and vibrant landscapes. But there absolutely places within Calgary that are worthy of a place on […]

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Creative & Content

Brands with Outstanding Logos | Calgary Graphic Design

June 17, 2019

What’s in a logo? A logo is an anchor to a company’s visual language and brand. It’s more than just a simple stamp for consumers to acknowledge. Logo’s are the […]

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Content Strategy

Game of Thrones Marketing: The Best Game of Thrones Inspired Marketing Campaigns

June 12, 2019

There is no other show in recent memory that has captured an audience like Game of Thrones has. The show hosts a massive fandom of outspoken and engaged viewers. Game […]

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Creative & Content

The Best Canadian Emojis For Your Next Marketing Campaign

June 10, 2019

The emoji is a prominent feature of modern mobile devices and it is utilized by social media users across different platforms.  Emojis have become the new way of expressing thoughts […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Tech Companies Whose Branding We Love

June 3, 2019

What is Branding? It has become one of the hottest topics surrounding marketing and business strategy. Business experts, CEOs and consultants continuously talk about refining your branding, your image and […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Advertising: 6 Ways To Personalize The Customer Experience

May 27, 2019

Without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business. Customers are the reason why your business exists and will continue to do so. For this reason, they deserve the best experience […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Development: Creating An Effective Landing Page

May 6, 2019

A well-crafted landing page can convert website visitors into leads or even buyers. It contributes to the success of your business. That’s why it is essential that you hire trained, […]

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Creative & Content

Digital Marketing: Calgary Mirco-Influencer Marketing

April 25, 2019

Social media is an effective marketing tool has given digital marketing an ever-changing face. Social Media has greatly impacted the relationship between brands and their customers, and there is no […]

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design Trends to Stay Away From in 2019

April 8, 2019

Every marketing team should stay on top of the Calgary graphic design trends. The development of powerful advertising themes will be instrumental in shaping the future of your brand. New […]

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Creative & Content

Creative Graphic Design: 8 Ways to Reignite Creativity

March 28, 2019

Creativity is one of the defining human attributes. It allows us to express, innovate and progress as individuals and as a culture. Calgary designers understand the importance of imagination in […]

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Brand Strategy

Calgary Brand Awareness: 8 Efficient Ways To Increase Brand Awareness

March 21, 2019

Regardless of your industry or target audience, your business must concentrate on creating Calgary brand awareness. Brand awareness refers to “the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities […]

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Marketing Implementation

How to Find the Best Keywords For Your Website

December 27, 2018

Finding the best keywords for your brand should be the focus of any new business. If you are looking to grow your brand and improve your SEO ranking then choosing […]

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Content Strategy

8 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager

November 29, 2018

Social media shapes the way we interact and conduct business. forgoing social media can be a huge loss for your business. Meanwhile, fully embracing social media can result in huge […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Key to a Successful Calgary Marketing Campaign

October 22, 2018

A successful Calgary marketing campaign should result in your business meeting its goals. Every marketing strategy your business adopts should be aimed at helping your brand reach its overarching objectives. […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Design: A Landing Page That Will Land You Leads Is Your Landing Page Landing You Leads?

October 10, 2018

Does your landing page convert visitors into leads successfully? Your landing page is your first impression! It should urge your users farther down the sales funnel rather than turning them […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Social Media Marketing: What To Include In Your Instagram Bio

September 19, 2018

Your social media bio is one of your first points of contact with potential followers or even customers. It is your chance to create an impressive first impression. Just like […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Fitness Studio

August 22, 2018

Gym membership has increased by 25 million in the years 2000 till 2016 and if trends continue those numbers will continue to grow. The fitness industry is booming in all […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Marketing: Marketing Your Cafe

August 8, 2018

When you open the doors to your new Calgary business, you probably expect customers to keep pouring in, profits doubling every month and generating a whole lot of excitement. Once […]

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Content Strategy

Influencer Marketing: The Original Social Influencer, Oprah

August 1, 2018

Influencer marketing is a standard way that brands connect with new customers. In this era of social media, there are millions of influencers. An influencer is someone with the ability […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Marketing: Canada Day Marketing Ideas

July 6, 2018

On the first of July 1867, Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick came together to become one country. Since that day, Canadians have celebrated Canada day. The 100th anniversary of […]

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Creative & Content

Social Media Management: Beginners Photography Tips

June 27, 2018

Social media managers wear many hats these days. Being in social media management means you become a copywriter, editor, an SEO expert and a photographer. If you’re in the world […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Residential Construction

June 20, 2018

Competition for home builders is stiff in Calgary and building a new home isn’t cheap. That means you need to set yourself apart from the competition and showcase your quality […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Graphic Design: Designing Your Business Cards

April 11, 2018

In 2018, a lot of marketing happens online and for good reason, it is proven to have a better ROI. It is great for small businesses that have a limited […]

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design: Why You Should Invest in a Newsletter | Calgary Marketing

January 10, 2018

Creating a company or business newsletter can be a great way to build company culture and promote events. Designing a newsletter doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming but you […]

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Creative & Content

5 Things You Should Never Say to a Graphic Designer

December 13, 2017

Graphic designers must deal with all sorts of clients. Some are easier to work with than others. Some of the biggest challenges a designer will have are communication problems. This […]

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Creative & Content

4 Signs of a High-Quality Graphic Designer

December 6, 2017

The person you hire to design your website has everything to do with how it comes out. Some people are more suited to some jobs than others. There are certain […]

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Marketing Agencies

Calgary Marketing Company: Top 5 Marketing Mistakes

October 18, 2017

Creating a successful marketing campaign is vital to the success of a business. A Calgary Marketing Company will build a strong marketing campaign to launch a product, introduce a new […]

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Creative & Content

How You Can Benefit From Graphic Design Services

October 4, 2017

When diving into the digital realm with your business, it will become apparent, you require graphic design services. Hiring a full-time designer to work exclusively for your company can break […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Grow Your Small Business with Email Marketing

September 27, 2017

The internet has made marketing easier for businesses. One of the best ways Calgary Marketing can reach your customers through the internet is email marketing. Email marketing is taking advantage […]

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Content Strategy

The Best Way to Use Calgary Social Media Marketing to Elevate Your Brand

September 21, 2017

When you choose to create social media pages for your business there are some essential processes that need to be completed. These steps are what you need to take maximum […]

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Marketing Agencies

6 Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency

August 30, 2017

Marketing is a very important part of running any business. The information you provide to potential customers on who you are and what you do, the difference between you and […]

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Brand Strategy

6 Reasons Why Brand Development Is Important

July 26, 2017

Branding or brand development is the strategy of creating a unique name, logo, and symbol to differentiate a business or product from others in the market. Branding goes beyond logos […]

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Creative & Content

The Roles of Graphic Design Agencies in Marketing

July 5, 2017

Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing business both big and small. Its features and strategies to make it achievable for all different companies. Graphic design […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing Calgary: How We Would Market Our City

May 24, 2017

Every day, marketing strategies unfold around us. Radio jingles, print ads, YouTube videos, billboards, signs and Google ads are everywhere we look and have become a central way we live […]

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Marketing Implementation

What Is Predictive Analytics and How Marketing Companies Use It

April 19, 2017

Predictive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that extracts data from existing data set and uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to forecast future activity, behaviour and tendencies. Predictive […]

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Creative & Content

Services Provided By Graphic Design Company Calgary

April 11, 2017

Services Provided by Graphic Design Company Calgary We’ve all heard it before, a picture says a thousand words. Graphics and user interfaces have revolutionized the world. It’s not an overstatement […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Designer: A Growing Market

March 15, 2017

Calgary’s main industry has been dominated by oil for many years and our city is typically known for its energy offerings but in recent years there has been a creative […]

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Marketing Implementation

Marketing Performance Management (MPM) – What it Means for You

December 30, 2016

With the coming of 2017, marketing communities confronted the age-old question of what this year’s dominant theme will be. A few years ago, predictive analytics was all the rage. 2016 […]

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Marketing Agencies

5 Reasons Why You Need to be Working With a Graphic Design Agency

October 19, 2016

Setting up your own business from scratch is a lot of hard work, there is tons of work and tons of aspects to look after and give time to. Among […]

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Content Strategy

The Social Media Measurement Plan – And Why You Need One

October 11, 2016

We talk a lot about social media marketing. An awful lot. But there is one good reason for that – it works! Social media marketing is indispensable, so much so […]

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Creative & Content

Why Do You Need a Graphic Design Agency to Set Up Your Business in Calgary?

August 10, 2016

Today’s marketing is all about intriguing catchphrases, interesting designs, and flashy content; and businesses in Calgary, like businesses anywhere else in the world, are catching up to the trend. So […]

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Content Strategy

Personalized News Feeds – Are You Missing Out?

July 12, 2016

When a Facebook conference starts with Mark Zuckerberg stating, “We think there’s a really important place for a personalized news feeds,” you immediately know that things will never be the same. Even […]

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Web Development

How to improve your page ranking for a specific SEO keyword

July 5, 2016

Keywords are the new Holy Grail of marketing and SEO. If you can dominate the right ones for your industry then you have a magic formula for ongoing inbound marketing […]

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Strategic Communications

Greenwashing – It Started With Your Hotel Towels

June 28, 2016

Marketers will do anything to get you to buy. They will wrap it in sexy, make it funny, choose all the right colours and even bring it to your door in the […]

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Content Strategy

The New breed of online troll – the Troglodyte

May 31, 2016

If you have any contact with social media where anyone is given a ‘voice’ you will be familiar with the phenomenon of trolls. Trolls are members of any online community that allows […]

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Marketing Agencies

Functions of a Digital Marketing Agency

May 24, 2016

The digital world has seen phenomenal growth over the last decade in various forms. There are plenty of modern gadgets and devices with capacity to access digital services such as […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing Calgary; what does it entail?

May 17, 2016

Businesses are growing with every innovative idea that is realized and the critical tool defining their existence stands as their strategies of marketing Calgary. With this aspect, the operating niches […]

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Content Strategy

When did Marketing Start to Condone Profanity?

April 19, 2016

My co-worker hit on another problem with using profanity – it no longer has the effect it used to. It was seen as cool, rebellious and edgy when you were […]

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Content Strategy

The Perils of Ego-centric Social Media Platforms

April 12, 2016

How many social media platforms can you name? Which was the first one you named? If current data is to be believed, it should be Facebook. Look at this: Every 60 […]

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Creative & Content

Medieval Logos – the Antoniewicz coat of arms

March 22, 2016

Marketing is a phrase that is fairly new if you take it in relation to the history of the rest of the world, but we certainly think of it as […]

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Content Strategy

Green Marketing

March 8, 2016

Green marketing is a term that is not new. It has been around since the original mullet, collars on men’s shirt were the size of Boeing airplane wings, orange was […]

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Content Strategy

Social media fails that make you super face palm

February 9, 2016

Social media management and online marketing are the new black. Anyone who is anyone in the selling arena knows that they need to go big and go digital. Most purchasing […]

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Creative & Content

7 Challenges Every Design Agency Faces

January 6, 2016

The daily life of a design agency is fraught with challenges, not least of all slogging hard for two weeks solid over a steaming laptop constantly under the threat of […]

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Creative & Content

I don’t like it – A Graphic Design Dilemma

December 29, 2015

Graphic designers, whether they are in freelance graphic design or employed by a massive marketing machine, live in fear of hearing the words, ‘I don’t like it’, coming out of […]

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Content Strategy

5 Graphs that Show LinkedIn as the Sleeping Giant of Marketing

October 20, 2015

New Social Media platforms seem to be popping up with every click of a webpage as hyper-niching is being used as a vehicle to cut through all the noise generated […]

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Brand Strategy

Corporate Image and Branding

October 2, 2015

When I was in University corporate image was THE buzz word for marketing. Everything lead back to corporate image – marketing established corporate image, focus groups provided feedback on corporate […]

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Content Strategy

#UnitedBreaksGuitars – A Case Study

September 29, 2015

One thing that Carroll was not in control of was the subject matter. The fact that being treated in such a frustrating way by customer service is not particular to […]

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Creative & Content

Online Marketing – the TED Talk Way

September 15, 2015

TED talks have become a valuable resource in any walk of life. They inspire, enlighten, inform and delight, helping us all to learn in an engaging way. One of the […]

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Content Strategy

Right Back at ‘Ya! The Dangers of Reciprocal ‘Liking’

August 28, 2015

‘Liking’ and ‘sharing’ is now considered a staple part of any social media management marketing strategy and its importance is widely recognized by any Calgary marketing company, but have we gone […]

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Marketing Implementation

LinkedIn as an Inbound Marketing Lead Generator

August 21, 2015

Using LinkedIn as a marketing tool has been a concept that has been a hard sell to many business to business (B2B) selling companies, but it is one that should […]

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Creative & Content

15 Companies you Recognize Just from their Tagline

August 17, 2015

Marketing taglines are not easy to write. Most people think that writing less is easier than writing more – so wrong! Taglines are a painful example of that. How do […]

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Marketing Implementation

Why Social Media Management is a Real Job (and Deserves a Real Pay)

August 12, 2015

Social media management has become such an integral part of our everyday lives we do it without thinking. We check our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts in any idle moment […]

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Content Strategy

Why do People Like, Comment and Share on Social Media?

July 31, 2015

Social Media marketing has swept the board for marketing strategies almost since its inception. There has to more than the usual ‘ooh shiny!’ marketing mentality that engages people on any […]

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Strategic Communications

20 TED talks that Refuel your MOJO

July 29, 2015

Marketing is all about reinvention. Every day, every project you do is about trying something new and pushing the boundaries, but it takes a lot of creative energy to keep […]

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Marketing Implementation

5 Laws of Marketing Technology you Need to Understand

July 24, 2015

Marketing technology has become an intrinsic part of any marketing company as most people turn to their digital devices at some point during 93% of their purchases – even major […]

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Creative & Content

How to Design a Killer Transparent Business Card

July 13, 2015

A transparent business card is where it’s at. If you’ve got attitude, a dream or a following of Trappist Monks – it doesn’t matter! A transparent business card will get […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing In Calgary During the Stampede

July 3, 2015

How do you achieve marketing in Calgary – when everything is closed down? The Calgary Stampede is the highest grossing Canadian festival in terms of economic impact and a great […]

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Content Strategy

Losing Facebook Traction?

July 1, 2015

Social media marketing is no longer an option in marketing. If you’re attending a trade show you need to advertise your booth number on your social media, if you’re starting […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing the IKEA Way

June 26, 2015

Why do we treat a day out to IKEA like it was a day trip at the beach? For some reason IKEA has managed to capture our heart, minds and […]

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Strategic Communications

The Most Dangerous Phrase in Marketing

June 24, 2015

Whether your company does social media marketing, traditional marketing or any combination of the two, the most dangerous phrase in marketing is, ‘…but we’ve always done it this way’.    

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Strategic Communications

100 Top Marketing Quotes

June 22, 2015

Online marketing is campaign of constant reinvention. If you are a marketer every item you put on your work clothes and walk through the door you are thinking, ‘What can […]

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Content Strategy

The Rule of Seven

June 17, 2015

Social media marketing is a powerful way to reach your customer, but how has it changed marketing in general?

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design: It isn’t just the words you speak

June 15, 2015

Words have been used for centuries to convey meaning and messages. From the very first examples of writing found in tombs by archeologists, its presentation seems to have been important. […]

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Content Strategy

Is Great Marketing Content Dumbing Down Dumber and Dumber?

June 1, 2015

On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term ‘Internet’ to mean the remote file sharing that had been developed and used on for some years, […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary SEO Companies

May 29, 2015

For us and the majority of people in the world, our lives revolve around SEO and Calgary SEO companies, whether we realize it or not. From a Google search to […]

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Marketing Implementation

Net Perception Marketing: Are We Missing the Point?

April 21, 2015

How do you make a big purchase? Say, a holiday? A car? Or even a place to have lunch? If you needed to make such a decision, who would you […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Business Cards

April 17, 2015

If you are looking for a unique twist with your Calgary business cards look no further than Arc Reactions. There are endless options for producing the perfect business card, but […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Marketing

April 10, 2015

There is an explosion of creativity in Calgary all over the city – in art, in music, in architecture and in Calgary marketing. Art has always been at the heart […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Graphic Design Companies

March 27, 2015

There are a wealth of opportunities with Calgary graphic design companies when you need to add some ‘zip’ to your marketing. Calgary is a city that is proud of its […]

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Marketing Agencies

Digital Marketing Agency Calgary

March 20, 2015

Marketers have a way of making up new names to ‘big up’ whatever they are talking about. They are masters at it! You’d be forgiven for thinking, ‘What is a […]

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Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agencies Calgary

March 8, 2015

Most marketing agencies Calgary has come to know run on research. We analyse the metrics of current campaigns, the metrics past campaigns and dream up metrics for new campaigns. We […]

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Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agency Calgary

March 6, 2015

Have you ever asked yourself what a marketing agency Calgary trusts does to earn that trust? Then it’s something that you should. Your online marketing is the face of your company. The company […]

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Marketing Agencies

Worst. Marketing. Advice. Ever!

February 17, 2015

‘I always advise people never to give advice.’ PG Wodehouse People have a tendency to give advice – whether you want it or not. It doesn’t matter what the situation […]

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Strategic Communications

Is Customer Engagement a Priority?

January 19, 2015

Your customers, and more importantly your prospective customers, are constantly being bombarded with marketing. It’s estimated that the average consumer is exposed to over 3,000 adverts a day in every […]

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Content Strategy

Striking the Balance Between Retention Marketing and Content Marketing

January 15, 2015

Content marketing has been the buzz word, watch word and by word of the sales funnel for the past few years. The phrase ‘Content is King’ has been used, and […]

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Creative & Content

How Much Did Some Famous Logos Cost?

December 29, 2014

Who can put a price on the value of a logo? It’s hard, but judging by the reaction of the internet when any major company changes its logo some have […]

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Creative & Content

We Live in a Visual Culture Age 6 Reasons We Live in a Visual Culture Age

December 21, 2014

We live in an age where everyone walks around with a camera phone in their pocket. Consumers are used to describing their tastes, preferences and emotions through photography and broadcasting […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Social Media Management

November 10, 2014

Smart businesses know that by using Calgary social media management you harness a real force to be reckoned with. It can generate a buzz about your service and products, reach out to […]

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Web Development

Which is more important? – Your SEO or Your Content Quality

October 21, 2014

As a copywriter I have seen it all – and I mean ALL. As digital marketing has developed I have witnessed the cross over from clumsy traditional marketing campaigns that fell flat […]

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Content Strategy

Improving Social Media Operations

September 5, 2014

Oftentimes businesses want to jump right into posting, sharing photos, and building brand awareness, but the best social media results come from establishing management practices. Managing social media isn’t just […]

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Marketing Implementation

Win Back Campaigns – How Long Do You Wait?

July 15, 2014

Marketing campaigns have many uses – but they ALWAYS have a use. In a well-crafted, innovative marketing campaign contains a call to action that resonates with the audience and drives […]

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Marketing Implementation

Whatever Happened to the 4 P’s? Traditional to Digital Marketing

May 15, 2014

For decades the watchwords for savvy marketers have been product, placement, price and promotion. The four P’s of marketing were the ONLY guidelines for a complete industry and they were […]

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Brand Strategy

Brand Development in a Digital World

April 25, 2014

There is no more important principle in mixed media marketing than the protection of your brand. Branding is another name for the experience that customers have with your company – […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Seven Deadly Sins of Videography

April 1, 2014

Video Rocks. There is no other way to say it. Placing a short video on your web page, email campaign or social media will impress the search engines bots, attract […]

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Creative & Content

One Minute Video Marketing – 1,800,000 words. Why do you need video marketing?

February 23, 2014

The interesting thing about video marketing is that nearly all videos are watched for the first ten seconds, then the decision is made whether to watch further or not. In […]

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Brand Strategy

Calgary Branding: How to Increase Brand Recognition & Brand Inertia

February 26, 2020

If you’re a business owner you’ve probably heard about the importance of Calgary branding time and time again. You’ve been told you need to create a brand to set yourself […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Times Rebranding Saved International Brands

August 12, 2019

As you can see, rebranding is a powerful marketing strategy and has the power to save international brands. Rebranding is more than just a cosmetic change, it’s about reimagining your […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Rebranding Fails from Brands We Love

August 1, 2019

When done right, rebranding gives you an edge over your stagnant competition. It can successfully uplift your business and transform it for the better. However, this is easier said than […]

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Brand Strategy

7 Ways to Modernize Your Brand

July 8, 2019

Technological advances over the last decade have drastically changed all aspects of our life, from how we shop, to how we conduct business. In spite of radical change, many brands […]

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Brand Strategy

5 Tech Companies Whose Branding We Love

June 3, 2019

What is Branding? It has become one of the hottest topics surrounding marketing and business strategy. Business experts, CEOs and consultants continuously talk about refining your branding, your image and […]

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Brand Strategy

Calgary Brand Awareness: 8 Efficient Ways To Increase Brand Awareness

March 21, 2019

Regardless of your industry or target audience, your business must concentrate on creating Calgary brand awareness. Brand awareness refers to “the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities […]

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Brand Strategy

6 Reasons Why Brand Development Is Important

July 26, 2017

Branding or brand development is the strategy of creating a unique name, logo, and symbol to differentiate a business or product from others in the market. Branding goes beyond logos […]

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Brand Strategy

Corporate Image and Branding

October 2, 2015

When I was in University corporate image was THE buzz word for marketing. Everything lead back to corporate image – marketing established corporate image, focus groups provided feedback on corporate […]

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Brand Strategy

Brand Development in a Digital World

April 25, 2014

There is no more important principle in mixed media marketing than the protection of your brand. Branding is another name for the experience that customers have with your company – […]

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Case Study

Sonos Just Made a Major Brand Mistake

January 23, 2020

Tuesday of this week (January 21st, 2020) Sonos – a high-end, respected and desirable networked home speaker company – announced an end to the support for what they are calling […]

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Content Strategy

Strategic Solutions for B2B Success: How to Conduct a Website Content Audit in 5 Easy Steps

July 12, 2024

Remember, assessing content is just one side of the coin when analyzing website performance and quality. On the other side are visual and design criteria, which include everything from site […]

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Content Strategy

Does Your Business Need to be On Every App?

September 10, 2023

The digital age can feel overwhelming – especially if you’re playing a game of catchup when it comes to social media, e-commerce, and your business.

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Content Strategy

6 Digital Marketing Rules to Live By

August 22, 2019

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving market, and keeping up with changes can be a daunting task for any business owner. In the wake of the digital marketing revolution, many […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Digital Marketing: How to Market to Gen Z

August 18, 2019

Generation Z consists of members of the population born after 1995. This new generation is tech-savvy and will always challenge the conventional methods of doing things. Gen Z is viewed […]

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Content Strategy

The Best Avengers Inspired Marketing Campaigns

August 8, 2019

The Avengers and, more broadly, the Marvel universe has dominated the box office over the last decade. 2019 marked an end of an era as Marvel released the final movie […]

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Content Strategy

Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Marketing

July 18, 2019

Regardless of how advanced or logical we become as human beings, the fact still remains that we rely heavily on our emotions to make decisions. In fact, psychologists have revealed […]

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Content Strategy

How to Eat For Free During the 2019 Calgary Stampede

July 3, 2019

One of the best things about The Calgary Stampede is the food and the pancake breakfasts that happen during the 10-day event. Coming together as a community and sharing a meal […]

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Content Strategy

Game of Thrones Marketing: The Best Game of Thrones Inspired Marketing Campaigns

June 12, 2019

There is no other show in recent memory that has captured an audience like Game of Thrones has. The show hosts a massive fandom of outspoken and engaged viewers. Game […]

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Content Strategy

8 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager

November 29, 2018

Social media shapes the way we interact and conduct business. forgoing social media can be a huge loss for your business. Meanwhile, fully embracing social media can result in huge […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Social Media Marketing: What To Include In Your Instagram Bio

September 19, 2018

Your social media bio is one of your first points of contact with potential followers or even customers. It is your chance to create an impressive first impression. Just like […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Marketing: Marketing Your Cafe

August 8, 2018

When you open the doors to your new Calgary business, you probably expect customers to keep pouring in, profits doubling every month and generating a whole lot of excitement. Once […]

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Content Strategy

Influencer Marketing: The Original Social Influencer, Oprah

August 1, 2018

Influencer marketing is a standard way that brands connect with new customers. In this era of social media, there are millions of influencers. An influencer is someone with the ability […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Marketing: Canada Day Marketing Ideas

July 6, 2018

On the first of July 1867, Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick came together to become one country. Since that day, Canadians have celebrated Canada day. The 100th anniversary of […]

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Content Strategy

The Best Way to Use Calgary Social Media Marketing to Elevate Your Brand

September 21, 2017

When you choose to create social media pages for your business there are some essential processes that need to be completed. These steps are what you need to take maximum […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing Calgary: How We Would Market Our City

May 24, 2017

Every day, marketing strategies unfold around us. Radio jingles, print ads, YouTube videos, billboards, signs and Google ads are everywhere we look and have become a central way we live […]

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Content Strategy

The Social Media Measurement Plan – And Why You Need One

October 11, 2016

We talk a lot about social media marketing. An awful lot. But there is one good reason for that – it works! Social media marketing is indispensable, so much so […]

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Content Strategy

Personalized News Feeds – Are You Missing Out?

July 12, 2016

When a Facebook conference starts with Mark Zuckerberg stating, “We think there’s a really important place for a personalized news feeds,” you immediately know that things will never be the same. Even […]

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Content Strategy

The New breed of online troll – the Troglodyte

May 31, 2016

If you have any contact with social media where anyone is given a ‘voice’ you will be familiar with the phenomenon of trolls. Trolls are members of any online community that allows […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing Calgary; what does it entail?

May 17, 2016

Businesses are growing with every innovative idea that is realized and the critical tool defining their existence stands as their strategies of marketing Calgary. With this aspect, the operating niches […]

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Content Strategy

When did Marketing Start to Condone Profanity?

April 19, 2016

My co-worker hit on another problem with using profanity – it no longer has the effect it used to. It was seen as cool, rebellious and edgy when you were […]

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Content Strategy

The Perils of Ego-centric Social Media Platforms

April 12, 2016

How many social media platforms can you name? Which was the first one you named? If current data is to be believed, it should be Facebook. Look at this: Every 60 […]

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Content Strategy

Green Marketing

March 8, 2016

Green marketing is a term that is not new. It has been around since the original mullet, collars on men’s shirt were the size of Boeing airplane wings, orange was […]

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Content Strategy

Social media fails that make you super face palm

February 9, 2016

Social media management and online marketing are the new black. Anyone who is anyone in the selling arena knows that they need to go big and go digital. Most purchasing […]

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Content Strategy

5 Graphs that Show LinkedIn as the Sleeping Giant of Marketing

October 20, 2015

New Social Media platforms seem to be popping up with every click of a webpage as hyper-niching is being used as a vehicle to cut through all the noise generated […]

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Content Strategy

#UnitedBreaksGuitars – A Case Study

September 29, 2015

One thing that Carroll was not in control of was the subject matter. The fact that being treated in such a frustrating way by customer service is not particular to […]

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Content Strategy

Right Back at ‘Ya! The Dangers of Reciprocal ‘Liking’

August 28, 2015

‘Liking’ and ‘sharing’ is now considered a staple part of any social media management marketing strategy and its importance is widely recognized by any Calgary marketing company, but have we gone […]

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Content Strategy

Why do People Like, Comment and Share on Social Media?

July 31, 2015

Social Media marketing has swept the board for marketing strategies almost since its inception. There has to more than the usual ‘ooh shiny!’ marketing mentality that engages people on any […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing In Calgary During the Stampede

July 3, 2015

How do you achieve marketing in Calgary – when everything is closed down? The Calgary Stampede is the highest grossing Canadian festival in terms of economic impact and a great […]

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Content Strategy

Losing Facebook Traction?

July 1, 2015

Social media marketing is no longer an option in marketing. If you’re attending a trade show you need to advertise your booth number on your social media, if you’re starting […]

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Content Strategy

Marketing the IKEA Way

June 26, 2015

Why do we treat a day out to IKEA like it was a day trip at the beach? For some reason IKEA has managed to capture our heart, minds and […]

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Content Strategy

The Rule of Seven

June 17, 2015

Social media marketing is a powerful way to reach your customer, but how has it changed marketing in general?

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Content Strategy

Is Great Marketing Content Dumbing Down Dumber and Dumber?

June 1, 2015

On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term ‘Internet’ to mean the remote file sharing that had been developed and used on for some years, […]

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Content Strategy

Striking the Balance Between Retention Marketing and Content Marketing

January 15, 2015

Content marketing has been the buzz word, watch word and by word of the sales funnel for the past few years. The phrase ‘Content is King’ has been used, and […]

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Content Strategy

Calgary Social Media Management

November 10, 2014

Smart businesses know that by using Calgary social media management you harness a real force to be reckoned with. It can generate a buzz about your service and products, reach out to […]

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Content Strategy

Improving Social Media Operations

September 5, 2014

Oftentimes businesses want to jump right into posting, sharing photos, and building brand awareness, but the best social media results come from establishing management practices. Managing social media isn’t just […]

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Creative & Content

The Marketing Genius Behind Baby Yoda

December 17, 2019

The much-anticipated streaming service, Disney+ launched November 12th, 2019, along with its Star Wars original series The Mandalorian. The series was an instant hit, with more than 40 million streams […]

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Creative & Content

The Best Titles for Your Calgary Blog Posts

November 11, 2019

You can spend hours creating thoughtful, well-researched Calgary blog posts, but without a good title, who will read it? The title of your blog post is the first interaction readers […]

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Creative & Content

The 10 Most Instagrammable Spots in Calgary

June 20, 2019

Calgary is a beautiful city. It is famous for its closeness to beautiful peaks, sunny days and vibrant landscapes. But there absolutely places within Calgary that are worthy of a place on […]

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Creative & Content

Brands with Outstanding Logos | Calgary Graphic Design

June 17, 2019

What’s in a logo? A logo is an anchor to a company’s visual language and brand. It’s more than just a simple stamp for consumers to acknowledge. Logo’s are the […]

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Creative & Content

The Best Canadian Emojis For Your Next Marketing Campaign

June 10, 2019

The emoji is a prominent feature of modern mobile devices and it is utilized by social media users across different platforms.  Emojis have become the new way of expressing thoughts […]

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Creative & Content

Digital Marketing: Calgary Mirco-Influencer Marketing

April 25, 2019

Social media is an effective marketing tool has given digital marketing an ever-changing face. Social Media has greatly impacted the relationship between brands and their customers, and there is no […]

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design Trends to Stay Away From in 2019

April 8, 2019

Every marketing team should stay on top of the Calgary graphic design trends. The development of powerful advertising themes will be instrumental in shaping the future of your brand. New […]

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Creative & Content

Creative Graphic Design: 8 Ways to Reignite Creativity

March 28, 2019

Creativity is one of the defining human attributes. It allows us to express, innovate and progress as individuals and as a culture. Calgary designers understand the importance of imagination in […]

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Creative & Content

Social Media Management: Beginners Photography Tips

June 27, 2018

Social media managers wear many hats these days. Being in social media management means you become a copywriter, editor, an SEO expert and a photographer. If you’re in the world […]

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design: Why You Should Invest in a Newsletter | Calgary Marketing

January 10, 2018

Creating a company or business newsletter can be a great way to build company culture and promote events. Designing a newsletter doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming but you […]

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Creative & Content

5 Things You Should Never Say to a Graphic Designer

December 13, 2017

Graphic designers must deal with all sorts of clients. Some are easier to work with than others. Some of the biggest challenges a designer will have are communication problems. This […]

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Creative & Content

4 Signs of a High-Quality Graphic Designer

December 6, 2017

The person you hire to design your website has everything to do with how it comes out. Some people are more suited to some jobs than others. There are certain […]

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Creative & Content

How You Can Benefit From Graphic Design Services

October 4, 2017

When diving into the digital realm with your business, it will become apparent, you require graphic design services. Hiring a full-time designer to work exclusively for your company can break […]

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Creative & Content

The Roles of Graphic Design Agencies in Marketing

July 5, 2017

Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing business both big and small. Its features and strategies to make it achievable for all different companies. Graphic design […]

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Creative & Content

Services Provided By Graphic Design Company Calgary

April 11, 2017

Services Provided by Graphic Design Company Calgary We’ve all heard it before, a picture says a thousand words. Graphics and user interfaces have revolutionized the world. It’s not an overstatement […]

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Creative & Content

Why Do You Need a Graphic Design Agency to Set Up Your Business in Calgary?

August 10, 2016

Today’s marketing is all about intriguing catchphrases, interesting designs, and flashy content; and businesses in Calgary, like businesses anywhere else in the world, are catching up to the trend. So […]

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Creative & Content

Medieval Logos – the Antoniewicz coat of arms

March 22, 2016

Marketing is a phrase that is fairly new if you take it in relation to the history of the rest of the world, but we certainly think of it as […]

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Creative & Content

7 Challenges Every Design Agency Faces

January 6, 2016

The daily life of a design agency is fraught with challenges, not least of all slogging hard for two weeks solid over a steaming laptop constantly under the threat of […]

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Creative & Content

I don’t like it – A Graphic Design Dilemma

December 29, 2015

Graphic designers, whether they are in freelance graphic design or employed by a massive marketing machine, live in fear of hearing the words, ‘I don’t like it’, coming out of […]

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Creative & Content

Online Marketing – the TED Talk Way

September 15, 2015

TED talks have become a valuable resource in any walk of life. They inspire, enlighten, inform and delight, helping us all to learn in an engaging way. One of the […]

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Creative & Content

15 Companies you Recognize Just from their Tagline

August 17, 2015

Marketing taglines are not easy to write. Most people think that writing less is easier than writing more – so wrong! Taglines are a painful example of that. How do […]

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Creative & Content

How to Design a Killer Transparent Business Card

July 13, 2015

A transparent business card is where it’s at. If you’ve got attitude, a dream or a following of Trappist Monks – it doesn’t matter! A transparent business card will get […]

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Creative & Content

Graphic Design: It isn’t just the words you speak

June 15, 2015

Words have been used for centuries to convey meaning and messages. From the very first examples of writing found in tombs by archeologists, its presentation seems to have been important. […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Business Cards

April 17, 2015

If you are looking for a unique twist with your Calgary business cards look no further than Arc Reactions. There are endless options for producing the perfect business card, but […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Marketing

April 10, 2015

There is an explosion of creativity in Calgary all over the city – in art, in music, in architecture and in Calgary marketing. Art has always been at the heart […]

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Creative & Content

Calgary Graphic Design Companies

March 27, 2015

There are a wealth of opportunities with Calgary graphic design companies when you need to add some ‘zip’ to your marketing. Calgary is a city that is proud of its […]

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Creative & Content

How Much Did Some Famous Logos Cost?

December 29, 2014

Who can put a price on the value of a logo? It’s hard, but judging by the reaction of the internet when any major company changes its logo some have […]

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Creative & Content

We Live in a Visual Culture Age 6 Reasons We Live in a Visual Culture Age

December 21, 2014

We live in an age where everyone walks around with a camera phone in their pocket. Consumers are used to describing their tastes, preferences and emotions through photography and broadcasting […]

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Creative & Content

One Minute Video Marketing – 1,800,000 words. Why do you need video marketing?

February 23, 2014

The interesting thing about video marketing is that nearly all videos are watched for the first ten seconds, then the decision is made whether to watch further or not. In […]

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Marketing Agencies

Why You Shouldn’t Fear a Career Change

February 5, 2020

2020 is the decade of change, new firsts, expanding horizons and believing that all things are possible! Because, where there’s a will there’s a way. Becoming a mature student and stepping […]

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Marketing Agencies

Esports Marketing: The Beginners Guide

November 25, 2019

Marketing with professional sports teams is nothing new. Brands have been spending advertising dollars on multi-million-dollar Superbowl ads and extravagant athlete sponsorships for decades. And, in recent years, there has […]

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Marketing Agencies

5 Reasons We Love Small Calgary Businesses

November 18, 2019
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Marketing Agencies

Calgary Marketing Company: Top 5 Marketing Mistakes

October 18, 2017

Creating a successful marketing campaign is vital to the success of a business. A Calgary Marketing Company will build a strong marketing campaign to launch a product, introduce a new […]

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Marketing Agencies

6 Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency

August 30, 2017

Marketing is a very important part of running any business. The information you provide to potential customers on who you are and what you do, the difference between you and […]

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Marketing Agencies

5 Reasons Why You Need to be Working With a Graphic Design Agency

October 19, 2016

Setting up your own business from scratch is a lot of hard work, there is tons of work and tons of aspects to look after and give time to. Among […]

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Marketing Agencies

Functions of a Digital Marketing Agency

May 24, 2016

The digital world has seen phenomenal growth over the last decade in various forms. There are plenty of modern gadgets and devices with capacity to access digital services such as […]

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Marketing Agencies

Digital Marketing Agency Calgary

March 20, 2015

Marketers have a way of making up new names to ‘big up’ whatever they are talking about. They are masters at it! You’d be forgiven for thinking, ‘What is a […]

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Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agencies Calgary

March 8, 2015

Most marketing agencies Calgary has come to know run on research. We analyse the metrics of current campaigns, the metrics past campaigns and dream up metrics for new campaigns. We […]

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Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agency Calgary

March 6, 2015

Have you ever asked yourself what a marketing agency Calgary trusts does to earn that trust? Then it’s something that you should. Your online marketing is the face of your company. The company […]

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Marketing Agencies

Worst. Marketing. Advice. Ever!

February 17, 2015

‘I always advise people never to give advice.’ PG Wodehouse People have a tendency to give advice – whether you want it or not. It doesn’t matter what the situation […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Unseen Force Driving B2B Marketing Success

January 22, 2024

The Silent Partner: 5 Ways Strategic Communication Supercharges Marketing Imagine a serene duck gliding gracefully on the surface of a tranquil pond. Above the surface, the duck appears effortless, smooth, […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary SEO Services: How Mobile-First Indexing Will Affect Your Website

March 11, 2020

In 2018, Google began moving all websites over to mobile-first indexing. Since then 70% of websites have made the shift and Google recently announced that the remaining 30% will be […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Calgary Stampede Marketing Strategy

July 11, 2019

The Calgary Stampede, dubbed “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” is one of the world’s largest rodeos and attracts over one million visitors. The Calgary Stampede is a 10-day Western/new-Western […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Advertising: 6 Ways To Personalize The Customer Experience

May 27, 2019

Without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business. Customers are the reason why your business exists and will continue to do so. For this reason, they deserve the best experience […]

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Marketing Implementation

How to Find the Best Keywords For Your Website

December 27, 2018

Finding the best keywords for your brand should be the focus of any new business. If you are looking to grow your brand and improve your SEO ranking then choosing […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Key to a Successful Calgary Marketing Campaign

October 22, 2018

A successful Calgary marketing campaign should result in your business meeting its goals. Every marketing strategy your business adopts should be aimed at helping your brand reach its overarching objectives. […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Fitness Studio

August 22, 2018

Gym membership has increased by 25 million in the years 2000 till 2016 and if trends continue those numbers will continue to grow. The fitness industry is booming in all […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Residential Construction

June 20, 2018

Competition for home builders is stiff in Calgary and building a new home isn’t cheap. That means you need to set yourself apart from the competition and showcase your quality […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Graphic Design: Designing Your Business Cards

April 11, 2018

In 2018, a lot of marketing happens online and for good reason, it is proven to have a better ROI. It is great for small businesses that have a limited […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary Marketing: Grow Your Small Business with Email Marketing

September 27, 2017

The internet has made marketing easier for businesses. One of the best ways Calgary Marketing can reach your customers through the internet is email marketing. Email marketing is taking advantage […]

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Marketing Implementation

What Is Predictive Analytics and How Marketing Companies Use It

April 19, 2017

Predictive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that extracts data from existing data set and uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to forecast future activity, behaviour and tendencies. Predictive […]

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Marketing Implementation

Marketing Performance Management (MPM) – What it Means for You

December 30, 2016

With the coming of 2017, marketing communities confronted the age-old question of what this year’s dominant theme will be. A few years ago, predictive analytics was all the rage. 2016 […]

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Marketing Implementation

LinkedIn as an Inbound Marketing Lead Generator

August 21, 2015

Using LinkedIn as a marketing tool has been a concept that has been a hard sell to many business to business (B2B) selling companies, but it is one that should […]

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Marketing Implementation

Why Social Media Management is a Real Job (and Deserves a Real Pay)

August 12, 2015

Social media management has become such an integral part of our everyday lives we do it without thinking. We check our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts in any idle moment […]

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Marketing Implementation

5 Laws of Marketing Technology you Need to Understand

July 24, 2015

Marketing technology has become an intrinsic part of any marketing company as most people turn to their digital devices at some point during 93% of their purchases – even major […]

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Marketing Implementation

Calgary SEO Companies

May 29, 2015

For us and the majority of people in the world, our lives revolve around SEO and Calgary SEO companies, whether we realize it or not. From a Google search to […]

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Marketing Implementation

Net Perception Marketing: Are We Missing the Point?

April 21, 2015

How do you make a big purchase? Say, a holiday? A car? Or even a place to have lunch? If you needed to make such a decision, who would you […]

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Marketing Implementation

Win Back Campaigns – How Long Do You Wait?

July 15, 2014

Marketing campaigns have many uses – but they ALWAYS have a use. In a well-crafted, innovative marketing campaign contains a call to action that resonates with the audience and drives […]

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Marketing Implementation

Whatever Happened to the 4 P’s? Traditional to Digital Marketing

May 15, 2014

For decades the watchwords for savvy marketers have been product, placement, price and promotion. The four P’s of marketing were the ONLY guidelines for a complete industry and they were […]

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Marketing Implementation

The Seven Deadly Sins of Videography

April 1, 2014

Video Rocks. There is no other way to say it. Placing a short video on your web page, email campaign or social media will impress the search engines bots, attract […]

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Strategic Communications

Applying “The Medium is the Message” Theory to Marketing Today

September 13, 2023

In Part 1 – Is the Medium Still the Message? , we learned about Marshall McLuhan’s theory on mass media – that the medium through which we deliver messages has […]

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Strategic Communications

Is the Medium Still the Message?

September 12, 2023

If you’re a Canadian of a certain age or have studied communications theory, it’s a fair bet that you’ve heard of Marshall McLuhan

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Strategic Communications

Calgary Networking Tips: How to Network Like a Pro

August 19, 2019

Despite the prevalence of social media, networking still plays an important role in the modern business world. Face-to-face networking is one of the most efficient ways to connect with potential […]

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Strategic Communications

Greenwashing – It Started With Your Hotel Towels

June 28, 2016

Marketers will do anything to get you to buy. They will wrap it in sexy, make it funny, choose all the right colours and even bring it to your door in the […]

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Strategic Communications

20 TED talks that Refuel your MOJO

July 29, 2015

Marketing is all about reinvention. Every day, every project you do is about trying something new and pushing the boundaries, but it takes a lot of creative energy to keep […]

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Strategic Communications

The Most Dangerous Phrase in Marketing

June 24, 2015

Whether your company does social media marketing, traditional marketing or any combination of the two, the most dangerous phrase in marketing is, ‘…but we’ve always done it this way’.    

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Strategic Communications

100 Top Marketing Quotes

June 22, 2015

Online marketing is campaign of constant reinvention. If you are a marketer every item you put on your work clothes and walk through the door you are thinking, ‘What can […]

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Strategic Communications

Is Customer Engagement a Priority?

January 19, 2015

Your customers, and more importantly your prospective customers, are constantly being bombarded with marketing. It’s estimated that the average consumer is exposed to over 3,000 adverts a day in every […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Development: Creating An Effective Landing Page

May 6, 2019

A well-crafted landing page can convert website visitors into leads or even buyers. It contributes to the success of your business. That’s why it is essential that you hire trained, […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Design: A Landing Page That Will Land You Leads Is Your Landing Page Landing You Leads?

October 10, 2018

Does your landing page convert visitors into leads successfully? Your landing page is your first impression! It should urge your users farther down the sales funnel rather than turning them […]

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Web Development

Calgary Web Designer: A Growing Market

March 15, 2017

Calgary’s main industry has been dominated by oil for many years and our city is typically known for its energy offerings but in recent years there has been a creative […]

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Web Development

How to improve your page ranking for a specific SEO keyword

July 5, 2016

Keywords are the new Holy Grail of marketing and SEO. If you can dominate the right ones for your industry then you have a magic formula for ongoing inbound marketing […]

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Web Development

Which is more important? – Your SEO or Your Content Quality

October 21, 2014

As a copywriter I have seen it all – and I mean ALL. As digital marketing has developed I have witnessed the cross over from clumsy traditional marketing campaigns that fell flat […]

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