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Calgary Social Media Management: Finding Your Brand’s Voice

Creating a brand is more than designing a logo, it’s about creating your brand’s identity. A well-crafted brand should encompass your businesses values, goals, customer relationships, design and voice. Not sure where to begin? Calgary social media management companies can help you develop your brand’s voice and create guidelines to help your team stick with your brand’s message.

Everyone wants to make their brand stand out from the crowd. They want customers to be able to recognize them anytime, anywhere. If this is what you want for your brand, then you need to find a voice. In the business and marketing world, brand voice often refers to written content. It shows your customers the personality and essence of your company. A voice is as important to a brand as a logo is. It is an integral part of your identity and can either attract customers or push them away. However, many brands seeking Calgary social media management tips have overlooked the importance of finding a voice. Here are three crucial reasons why you need a brand voice.

It shows the human side of your brand: Your customers don’t just want to see the business side of your brand, they want to feel an affinity with your company. A brand voice can help you interact with customers and build a relationship with them.

Sets you apart from similar brands: Your voice makes you unique, setting you apart from your competitors. Customers can easily recognize your brand when you have a voice.

Build trust: It is often difficult to trust people and brands that you know little or nothing about. When you consistently use the same voice to interact with your customers, they will become familiar with your brand and this will make them trust you over time.

Finding Your Brand Voice

Here are five suggestions from a Calgary social media management company that will help you find your brand’s voice and make it recognizable.
1) Take Inventory of Your Content
Content creation and management are vital to the life of a business. Your written content says a lot about your brand, its personality and its values. Therefore, you should take the time to create content that will help you stay relevant to your demographic. First, you must do a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your content to learn how it engages your customers and prospects. A content inventory can help you design strategies for evaluating, analyzing and modifying your content. It can be used to draft new content or upgrade an existing plan. List content inventory files in a spreadsheet for optimal organization.
2) Identify Three Words that Describe Your Brand’s Mission
Your brand’s mission describes what your company hopes to achieve and how it intends to achieve it. Your mission statement contributes to your brand’s overall image. It shapes your company’s culture and shows your commitment to your brand objectives.

Your mission should sum up your company’s objectives, values, and strategy. You need to identify three words that perfectly describe that mission. For example, if you own a tech company, your mission could be innovation, service, and delivery. Your mission statement can help employees act in line with the goals of your organization as well as serve as a guideline for making effective company decisions.
3) Identify your Tone
It is pertinent to remember that your company voice is not the same as your tone. While your voice describes your company’s personality, your tone is an expression of the people that make up the brand. This can include what motivates them, how they think, and their goals. It both embodies and expresses the personality of your brand as well as your set of values.

The tone of your brand comes from who you are as a company not who you want to be in the future. And this is where your values come to play. Your values should influence not only what you write but how you write it. It is often the way you say something that determines how people will respond or react to your message. To help you build a tone, ask yourself: what do I want to share with the world? You can only build the right tone of voice when you know the core purpose of your communication.
4) Communicate Your Brand Voice to Your Team
Your team needs to know how to use your voice if you want your customers to recognize and trust your brand. A consistent brand voice on all channels can only be achieved when everyone is on the same page. Creating a tone of voice guideline can help employees and those in your marketing team know the right words to use and those to avoid. There should also be guidelines on press releases and social media usage.
5) Reevaluate Your Tone as Your Image Evolves
People may not always remember what you say but they will always remember how what you said made them feel. It is therefore important that you use the right tone of voice at all times. While your voice is expected to remain the same, your tone can change according to the context of your message. It is your tone that brings your content to life. You should make it a duty to reevaluate your tone from time to time as your brand undergoes changes.
Final thoughts:
Calgary social media management experts can help you identify a  voice that will make a huge impact on your brand. Without a voice, your customers will not see you as a reliable authority. Don’t forget that it is your brand’s values that influence your voice and shapes your tone. Your audience can only feel a connection to your content when you use the right voice and tone.

Are you ready to employ the help of a Calgary social media management team to find your brand’s voice? We can help, Click Here to learn more.