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Calgary Social Media Management: Turn Engagement into Sales

Social media is undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. It has changed how people communicate with each other as well as how people run and manage their businesses. With the creation of different social media platforms, business owners can reach a wider audience with their products and services. It will be a mistake to think that social media brings no benefit to your business. An online presence can help to increase brand awareness and boost sales the key is to turn engagement into sales.

A recent study revealed that the purchasing decision of consumers today are greatly influenced by social media. People are moved to buy your products and services based on what they hear, see and read online. Reviews and recommendations from family and friends on social media can also influence a consumer’s purchasing decision. People tend to buy products that reliable sources have used and spoken well of.

Social media management experts say that reviews and assessments from social media influencers have a noticeable impact on the purchasing habits of consumers. Since these social media influencers have a remarkable audience base, they help their followers acclimatize with a brand and effect a purchase. Consumers are also influenced by advertising campaigns on social media as well as search engine results. Taking these various aspects into account, it is clear that social media has a huge impact on consumer’s purchasing habits. But you may be asking yourself, “How do I turn engagement into sales?”. We’re going to address that today!
Small Businesses and Social Media
Small businesses can take advantage of the numerous opportunities offered by social media to make a huge impact in their industry. With more than 2 billion worldwide users, social media offers a huge market for your products. All you need to do is develop a strategy that will allow you to reach those who are interested in what you sell.

Social media can help small businesses improve search engine ranking, generate highly qualified leads, monitor and draw inspiration from the performance of competitors, drive traffic and create brand recognition. It is a fast and effective way to get your brand in front of your target audience.
Social Media as a Powerful Sales Tool
Social platforms are one of the most powerful sales tools to evolve in recent years. It has made sales easy and fast. Thanks to social media, people, businesses and information are more accessible and engaging. But you need to harness this powerful tool if you want it to yield good results.

Once you have created visibility for your brand, products, and services on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, you must work towards building a sizable following. A significant base of followers will help you connect and interact with many potential customers. These followers will grow to trust your brand, and this will eventually drive traffic to your sales page where they will be provided with more information about your products and services. If the content of your site appeals to your visitors, they may engage in your sales process by contacting a sales rep, signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

A visit often times indicates interest in your business. When consumers access your website, they want to know what you have to offer. This is the reason why you need to ensure that you turn these visits into sales. How can you do so?
Turn Engagement into Sales
The first thing you need do is to develop your website in an appropriate manner. It needs to have a micro landing page and information about your business including your phone number and your address or location. Consider installing a live online chat option, post explainer videos and make your website mobile friendly.

Another way to drive engagement and sales is to collaborate with a social influencer who will promote your product or services. Influencers are very useful in giving your brand a human face. Research reveals that consumers trust brands whose products are promoted by social influencers. These Influencers are real people and internet users see them as experts in their respective field. For this reason, consumers value recommendations and reviews that come from them. Focus on connecting with micro-influencers that are relevant to your niche market and demographic. Social influencers make your brand appear real to internet users so that they can trust your brand as much as they trust the influencer promoting it. Influencers lend their authenticity to your brand.

Segmentation and Targeting
One thing you need to keep in mind is that consumers are more empowered and knowledgeable than ever before. They make purchasing decisions faster now because of the ease of shopping. The challenge for digital marketers becomes how to capture the attention of consumers when they are making purchasing decisions. This is where segmentation and targeting come in. Segmentation allows you to divide your audience into groups based on factors like demographics and media use. Once you have segmented your audience, you can focus on how to use your marketing campaigns to catch their attention. Targeting presents an opportunity to deliver messages that would arouse the interest of specific groups, prompting them to make a purchase.

Audience segmentation allows you to develop effective marketing programmes and make adjustments in marketing appeals so that you can reach different prospective customers with what they need. It also allows you to promote products that match the demands of the target audience, determine the best time for promotional efforts, use marketing resources efficiently and provide better services to customers both existing and potential.
Organic and Paid Social Media
Businesses that want to grow their brand using social media will need to consider an organic or paid social media approach. To get the most out of social media, you should combine both approaches. While organic social media helps you build and maintain an online presence across various channels, the paid social approach will allow you to reach the right people with your marketing campaign at the right time. Unlike the paid social that offers immediate results, organic social offers a long-term solution to growing your customer base.

No doubt, you want as many people as possible to know about your business and what you offer. But you need to be careful not to be too sales oriented. Your business should not just be about selling products, it should aim at creating the right impression in the minds of consumers and building a relationship with them. This is will make the brand come off as authentic and trustworthy. Interacting with your customers will help you to improve your services and increase customer long-term satisfaction.

If you choose to focus on organic social media, make use you make use of all the tools each platform offers! Use the Shopping and Story tool on Instagram, go Live on Facebook and Twitter! Organic social media is what you make it.
Final Thoughts
Building your brand into what you want it to take time and requires effort. If you adopt the right strategy, your business will stand out online and attract the right audience. With that being said, are you ready to turn engagement into sales? Click Here to connect with our social media managers.