Marketing Agencies Calgary
March 8, 2015
Most marketing agencies Calgary has come to know run on research. We analyse the metrics of current campaigns, the metrics past campaigns and dream up metrics for new campaigns. We research style, colour, psychology, meaning, effectiveness, ineffectiveness, typography, text, design, negative space – and so the list continues. A great marketing design is not just a ‘happy accident’, it takes time and meticulous planning based on quality research.
Whilst doing this research into marketing agencies Calgary loves we came across this post from It was titled, ‘Canada’s Top 100 Marketing Agencies (and their Social Media Profiles)’ and was based on Strategy Magazine’s 2013 Creative Report Card. We were rubbing our hands with glee when we found it because it sounded like it would be loaded with jewels of wisdom and gems of brilliance that we could all salivate over, but what we got was … this:
Under Creative Commons License:
As you can see, it’s just a list of companies and links to their social media, and if you take the time to analyse it, it’s a little bit sad. Many of the social media links show a very small engagement on social media sites, and one company twitter account seemed to be the personal account of the CEO!
The only text on the article said, and I quote:
“Strategy Magazine’s 2013 Creative Report Card recently came across our desk and we realized that it would be great for enterprises, marketing agencies, and job seekers to have a list of Canada’s top 100 marketing agencies, along with their websites and social media profiles.”
Yes, yes it would be nice to have a list of the top 100 marketing agencies, just not this list…
The data didn’t seem to say much. The points system ranked from 355 points for the top spot, right down to the last twenty five spots that only garnered one point! It makes it look like all you need to appear on ‘Canada’s Top 100 Marketing Agencies (and their Social Media Profiles)’ is the ability to spell your name correctly.
And Saatchi and Saatchi at number 29 with only 20 points? That makes them 335 behind BBDO Canada in the top spot (yes, that well known marketing agency that’s on the tip of everyone’s lips), and only 18 points above BC Honda Dealers at number 64. BC Honda Dealers? Since when did they become a marketing agency? What was their campaign? ‘Buy this car key for $32,000 and get a free Honda CRV’?
Ok, ok, so we’re ranting. But why make a list entitled, ‘Canada’s Top 100 Marketing Agencies (and their Social Media Profiles)’ and then include companies that aren’t marketing agencies (anyone recently bought a marketing campaign from Target who are at number 15 with 44 points and no social media?)? Thought not. They left the country four months ago …
It’s not easy for any small business to trust the image of their beloved company to a group of people who sport goatee’s and eat tofu burgers for breakfast without a list like this, and that’s completely ignoring the fact that it’s not local – to anyone! Can Mr. Wings Chinese restaurant in Halifax, NS, get his marketing from BC Honda Dealers by correspondence course? I think not – well he could, but would it be effective at promoting his company- NO! Get real people, if you live in Calgary there are a plethora of talented, professional marketers from a rich pool of marketing agencies Calgary loves. Use them! Does it really matter if they appear on this list or not? offers a more palatable summary of the same information, but it is only a summary…

Other key agencies include:

At least with this précis of marketing companies available you learn a little about them, but it still really tells you nothing.
The best thing you can do to find a Calgary marketing company that you want to work with is to ask around. Network with your peers and find out who they used and what experiences they had. See the work, draw up a shortlist and then approach who fits the important criteria you have shortlisted. It’s the only way to know if you can work with a certain agency and if you’ll like what they produce. Lists made by other people with unknown criteria will not help you make one of the most important sales decisions in the life of your company, only you can make that decision so make sure you have all the right facts, but most of all…
…Trust your instincts. Your list may include one of the marketing agencies Calgary loves, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the right fit for you. Marketing is an art, so you have to ‘go with the flow’ of the creativity at times, but your guts are the better judge of what will work for you.
If you don’t believe me – get in contact! We can show your guts what it’s all about!