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Marketing Calgary: How to Build Trust

Building trust with your clients and potential clients is important if you hope to do business with them for a lifetime. These consumers are going to be giving away their hard-earned resources on your promise. They need to have some sense of security in your word that your product or service will meet their needs. These marketing Calgary strategies can help you build a relationship and trust.

Here are six ways to build trust with your customers using marketing Calgary strategies.
Respect your Customer’s Time with Marketing Calgary
Time is one of the most valuable resources any person has. Even more valuable than money. Showing respect for the time of your clients makes them know you value them. Showing respect for their time means you;

–    Take their calls on time. When you can’t, you return the calls as soon as you can.

–    Promptly replying to their emails and responding to all their concerns. Even the ones you consider irrelevant.

–    Get on the scheduled calls on or before the time agreed. End the call after the time agreed or ask if the customer requires more time.

– If you run a service-based company, make sure your service is done promptly and completed within the agreed-upon timeline.
Keep your Commitment to your Customers
This goes a little further than just respecting their time. You need to prove to them they can trust your word by doing what you say you would at exactly when you said you would and how you said you would. This means you;

–    Keep appointments.

–    Regularly communicate progress towards an agreed deadline.

This means that if anything will change from a previous agreement, you inform the customer ahead of time and give a valid reason why there needs to be an extension.
Establish What They Want
It is easy to fall into the trap of promising your customers you will solve all their problems. That is what your business does – solve problems but you need to know more than their problems. It is easier for the customers to tell you what is wrong but you also need to know what they expect.

What you think is the solution to their problem may not be what they want. To do this, you need to;

–    Zero in on their priorities. If you had to make a choice, what would they want to be saved? Asking and having them answer these questions may keep you from a lot of trouble in the future.

–    What projects do they consider to be successful? Are there projects that they have done in the past or others have that they consider a success? What contributed to those successes? What can you do to achieve similar or better results?

–    Which projects do they consider to be failures? Why do they think these projects failed? What can you learn from these?
You are going to face challenges as you work with your clients. If they are reasonable, they know that already. It is your duty to communicate with your clients when these challenges arise. Especially if it will affect your ability to deliver on a promise.

You don’t communicate only when you have a problem. You communicate progress made and milestones crossed.

Good communication may include;

–    Detailed reports on meetings, phone discussions, any conversation where tasks were assigned, decisions were made, questions were asked and/or answered. This helps keep both parties informed of promises made and duties assigned.

–    Never assume the information sent was received. Communication is said not to be complete until you get feedback. If you sent an mail, for example, make sure you get a response acknowledging your mail. Or send another.
Over Deliver
It has been stated above that you find out what your client wants. To gain their absolute trust, go out of your way to do more than they want. Doing a little extra will go a long way in securing lifetime clients that will give valuable reviews and referrals. This will show your clients know you are committed to them. This is how lasting customers are acquired.

Over-delivering on your promise could include;

–    Delivering before the agreed deadline. This will make more meaning if you know your client needs your offering sooner than the date you agreed to deliver. It will show the client you were not merely fulfilling an agreement, you are concerned about their needs.

–    After-sales service. It is not enough to get the sale and move on. Checking on your clients to see if they are finding it easy to use your product and offering help will boost their trust in you. Especially when this after-sales service wasn’t part of your deal with them.

–    Connecting them with further help. Sometimes your clients need more than your product. For example, your business sells the best donut in town but that is all you sell. A person buys your donut but he also needs a cup of coffee. If you point him in the direction of a coffee shop. This may be a simplistic example, but you get the point.
Show Personality
Your clients don’t want to deal with a boring, robotic business. They want something they can relate to and understand. Even if you deal with your clients online, show a little personality. The best way to do this is to be yourself.

Let your clients know who you are and be genuine. Knowing you will help them build personal relationships with you. It is easier to trust someone you know.