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Video Marketing Calgary Loves

Elevate Calgary runs a competition that offers Calgary not for profits charities the option to get in front of the right people, as well as win some great prizes. Video as a media was chosen as the vehicle for advertising as it was one of many examples of video marketing Calgary loves. It was inspiring, artistic but most of all, easy to digest which got the point across beautifully and succinctly. As a marketing device, video is the perfect media for Calgary.

Take a look:

You can see how video can carry a message across with very little effort, but also very little cost. This video was effective as you could bond with the people and recognize that they could be the people you know. It was also set in the city so you were familiar with the backdrop, put yourself there and because of the connection you have with the city, you felt a part of the video. By making your video hyper-local you get your local audience to bond with it, and therefore, with your company.

Video is extremely popular, and extremely effective, as a marketing medium, but you have to ask yourself:
Why is video marketing so popular?
There are quite a few reasons why video marketing is a vehicle that cannot be replaced with other types of media. We live in an age of visual culture and video and animation is becoming commonplace. As cameras are so accessible and the ability to download those images in a popular, easy to broadcast media, video is becoming the communicating channel of choice. AddOn media calculated one minute of video marketing equaled 1.8 million words of read text. Video also makes the information accessible to a wider audience. You don’t need to be able to read to understand a video, and if you craft the right one, it will transcend the language barrier too. No wonder we can produce the video marketing Calgary loves.

Just by looking at the stats you can see how popular it is, but also the effect that popularity has on your advertising.

59% of viewers will watch a video to completion that is less than one minute. – Wistia

92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others. – Invodo

65% of executives have visited a vendor’s site after watching a video. – Forbes

(39% have called a vendor after watching a video)

70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium. – MarketingProfs

When marketers included a video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% – 300% – Forrester

The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video. – Mist Media

300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. – YouTube

(That’s a lot of cat videos!) 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. – comScore

Visitors who view videos stay on web sites an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t view videos – comScore

59% of senior executives prefer to watch video instead of reading text, if both are available on the same page. – Forbes Insight

Homepage videos are shown to increase conversion rates by 20% or more. – ReelSEO

According to Forrester Research it is 50x easier to achieve a page 1 ranking on Google with a video.

According to Implix, an introductory email that includes a video receives an increase click-through rate by 96%.

90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.  Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco

Visual content drives engagement. In fact, just one month after the introduction of Facebook timeline for brands, visual content — photos and videos — saw a 65% increase in engagement.  Source: Simply Measured

Blog posts incorporating video attract three times as many inbound links as blog posts without video.  Source: SEOmoz

Online video now accounts for 50 percent of all mobile traffic and up to 69 percentof traffic on certain networks.  Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Report

The most popular use for mobile action codes, such as QR and bar codes, is linking to mobile video: 40% of codes link to video content, including product demos and the like.  MediaPost

Mobile and tablet shoppers are three times as likely to view a video as laptop or desktop users.  NPD

More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month, spending more than 4 billion hours watching videos  YouTube.

According to Retail Touchpoints, the Step2 Company found that shoppers who viewed video were 174% more likely to purchase than viewers who did not.  Retail Touchpoints Channel Innovation Awards

These are pretty compelling arguments to include video marketing in your web site, email marketing and social media, but rely on them alone is not a good thing. Can you have too much of a good thing? It would appear so!
What is Mixed Media Marketing?
Mixed media marketing is creating your campaign around different advertising vehicles that work together to create a cohesive message. If you chose to invest in video marketing alone you will alienate some parts of your audience from the get go, and eventually you will alienate all of your audience. Each device you use has a different strength, so knowing what media fits your message is imperative to making the most of your marketing.

Mixed media marketing is perfectly balanced online and offline advertising that cannot be ignored. Leveraging every inch of your online real estate is a necessity in the digital age so you have to be smart about what you do and where. Producing video marketing Calgary loves in isolation will not give you a web site that all Calgarians flock to.  It may just switch them off. You need a mixture of media, depths, designs and topics. A professional will be able to help you decide what is important and what isn’t.
Is video marketing expensive?
Video marketing is an investment. It is expensive to set up and organize, but there are alternatives.

How to’s

You can make your own ‘How to’ video with your own equipment, showcasing what you do, how you do it, and what they can do with your product or service. It can show both those that have purchased your product how to use it, and inspire those who have not bought your product to buy it.


Another video you can make yourself is an interview video. You can select an attractive area of your reception, board room or break room and set up a cosy interview stage. You can have two members of your company talking to each other giving the kind of information your consumers want to hear, or make it a sales pitch justifying why they should use your service.

There are many topics you can cover – showcase a particular employee, your company history, the path an order takes from receipt or completion, a tour of the factory or even, ‘a day in the life of…’. You can present them directly to the camera, as a fly on the wall or as a documentary. Even a slide show has been proven to be effective, yet economical.


Testimonials are a great use of video marketing, in any size, shape or form. By presenting your audience with a person they can relate to you raise your credibility and company image. The more testimonial vides you can create, the more powerful your message.

These are only a few ideas of what you can do to make video marketing Calgary loves, but if you need more help in producing exactly what you want, then contact us and we will gladly help you complete your marketing portfolio and make the most of your online real estate.