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Why You Need to Hire an Online Marketing Agency

The fundamental principles of marketing will never change, online marketing has changed where we focus our efforts and how a digital marketing agency focuses on them. The power of online marketing cannot be denied, a power which continues to grow as the capabilities of the web and online platforms increase.

Online marketing needs to be a significant part of any company’s marketing budget and it may be wise to look to getting professional help for a well-balanced, planned and executed digital marketing program that works for your industry. You may be well versed in how your industry works, but does that mean you know how to market it in the world biggest store window – the world wide web.

recent infographic from Graphtek Interactive outlines the top 5 reasons to hire a digital marketing agency. There are three main components in a winning online marketing strategy; an online infrastructure with pieces (website, social media, analytics, marketing automation, content, etc.) that work seamlessly together, day in and day out execution of the right tactics, and on-going analysis and optimization.

This process of arranging all the right aspects in all the right places is known as content marketing, which is a specialist marketing niche. Traditional marketing concepts are still valid in the online marketing age, but the techniques they use differ greatly and do not naturally cross over the online arena.

A digital marketing agency marketer is made up of a different material from a tradition marketer, as this infographic shows:

Hiring a digital marketing agency is a smart investment for those companies that do not have the time, resources, or expertise to put the necessary pieces together, consistently execute the appropriate online marketing activities, or analyze results.

For instance, here is a checklist of all the things you have to do to have successful marketing on the most influential social media sites:

Have you really got the time for that, or the budget and volume to buy that in house?

If you don’t, then it’s time to consider employing a digital marketing agency. They can take on all the aspects of a successful online marketing campaign and the responsibility for providing results.

One of the most important quotes came from Erik Qualman, who was talking about social media for businesses, but is just as pertinent for digital marketing, when he said:

How well do you do it?